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9 Beautiful Summer Landscaping Ideas

Even if you're not looking to sell your home in the immediate future , curb appeal is important to increase the value of your home. Not only does it improve the look of your home, but it may ward off crime and help you save some money. 

Summertime is a great time to address the state of your yard and other landscaping endeavors. In most cases, the weather is warm and ripe for gardening and flourishing. 

If you're looking to spruce up your landscape, here are seven summer landscaping design ideas you should try. 

1. Check Your Soil

Before you do any planting, you'll want to check the health of your soil. Good soil indicates that your garden or any other landscaping that you do will likely be successful. If your soil is unhealthy, there are ways to make it better, but it's good to know beforehand if anything is wrong with your soil. 

2. Stone Pathways and Lighting

Installing a stone pathway in your yard is a great way to maintain order and keep people off your growing grass. Stone makes for a perfect pathway because it's strong and comes in various cuts and colors. 

Don't forget to light up your pathway with landscape lighting. Illuminating the pathway provides an ambiance to your yard or garden that's welcoming and inviting. It also provides an element of safety if you're using the pathway for walking. 

3. Garden

Planting a garden is one of the best ways to improve the look of your landscaping. Gardens don't have to be elaborate; they can be low-maintenance and still alluring and beautiful. There are plenty of gardens to choose from, such as:

  • Rock garden

  • Vegetable garden

  • Herb garden

  • Flower garden

  • Butterfly garden

Before you plant a garden, greenery, or flowers of any kind, make sure your soil is in good shape so it will grow well. If you need help planting or choosing flowers, you can always contact a landscape designer for ideas. 

Not only do gardens look beautiful, but they're also functional to nature and for yourself. For example, Pollenation is important for many insects like butterflies and honeybees, and being in the garden increases your vitamin D intake and improves your mental health

4. Water Garden or Fountain

Putting a water feature on your landscape design adds an intriguing element and offers  Some water features that are more intricate, like ponds, require more upkeep if you're up for it. But, of course, you can always place an electric fountain in your yard or DIY your own water feature using pumps and other parts if you're crafty. 

Especially in the summer when it's warm, a water feature gives a respite from the harsh summer sun. 

5. Sprinkler Systems

Irrigation systems are a must-have if you're a heavy gardener. Sprinklers that are installed in your yard allow for convenient watering so you can focus on other things. Having irrigation means getting the water exactly where you need it without having to maneuver or manipulate your mobile sprinkler. 

Even if you're not a heavy gardener, it's still important to maintain your grass and yard as best as possible. Sprinkler systems cater to this need as well. 

6. Planters

If you're not one for getting your hands dirty, but love the ideas of a flourishing garden, then perhaps pots or planters are more your style. There are various planters in different shapes, sizes, and colors to suit your liking, and even hanging plants offer a certain appeal. The best thing about potted plants is that you can always move them if you don't like their location.

To plant flowers or other greenery in an appealing way, you'll want to choose up to three types of flowers or plants. First, choose a focal plant that you want to be the highlight of the planter, then plant mid-height flowers and cascading plantings in the front. You do need to ensure that all plants need the same type of sunlight to grow properly. 

7. Mulch

Mulch is an easy way to make your landscaping stand out and looks pleasing and uniform. Not only is it appealing, but it serves a purpose in your garden as well. Mulch keeps moisture in the ground, inhibits weed growth, and protects your soil from the scorching summer sun. 

Mulch is not a one-size-fits-all approach because there are many different kinds. From wood chips, compost, shredded grass, even straw or cardboard, you'll find something that's both appealing and protective for your plants or garden. 

8. Install A Structure

While greenery and gardens can do wonders for your landscape's cosmetic appeal and function, other structures can enhance it as well. 

Structures like arbors, canopies, pergolas, and so forth can all transform your garden into an oasis. Adding vines or climbing flowers also adds a beautiful element to the structure if you choose to do so. Trellises are a great way to put more color into your yard as well. 

9. Patios and Seating

Adding patios and seating options allows you to take in your landscaping designs and enjoy them during the warmer months. And when you're not using chairs, tables, and so forth, these furniture pieces complete your landscaping, acting as decor and functionality. You don't have to spend a lot of money on seating or furniture; a small bistro set or lawn chairs are enough to bring everything together. 

Help With Summer Landscaping?

Summer landscaping is a great way to keep your yard looking great and your curb appeal flourishing. What ideas would you like to implement in your yard today?

Do you need help with your landscaping, sprinkler system, or garden lighting? Our landscape service can help! Reach out to us today, so we can assist you in making your project perfect. 

Bill Hooper